How easy was the reservation process? How easy was the reservation process? Poor Fair Good Great Excellent How easy to navigate is our website? How easy to navigate is our website? Poor Fair Good Great Excellent How did you experience campground layout in general? How did you experience campground layout in general? Poor Fair Good Great Excellent How accessible are the roads leading to the campground? How accessible are the roads leading to the campground? Poor Fair Good Great Excellent How helpful were the employees? How helpful were the employees? Poor Fair Good Great Excellent Bathroom cleanliness (Please mark your level of satisfaction with these park features) Bathroom cleanliness (Please mark your level of satisfaction with these park features) 1 2 3 4 5 Campsites (Please mark your level of satisfaction with these park features) Campsites (Please mark your level of satisfaction with these park features) 1 2 3 4 5 Park upkeep (Please mark your level of satisfaction with these park features) Park upkeep (Please mark your level of satisfaction with these park features) 1 2 3 4 5 Play equipment (Please mark your level of satisfaction with these park features) Play equipment (Please mark your level of satisfaction with these park features) 1 2 3 4 5 Swimming area (Please mark your level of satisfaction with these park features) Swimming area (Please mark your level of satisfaction with these park features) 1 2 3 4 5 How did you hear about us? What are we doing right that you’d like us to keep doing? Do you have suggestions for improving our camp? Name Surname Email Address Cell 13 + 10 = Submit